Bay Area UX Researcher

Skills & Tools

I use a variety of research methods and tools with my UX Research.

  • Usability Testing: Work includes in-lab, on-site (residential and commercial) and remote for consumer hardware and software applications, both web and mobile. I consult with both stakeholders and literature regarding best practices when determining which style of test to conduct, balancing pros and cons.

  • User Interviews: Both 1-on-1 and focus groups of existing users and recruited demographics. User interviews involve clear explanation of purpose and techniques to put user at ease and improve conversations. Focus group testing involves precise question wording and moderation to avoid group think and unequal participation.

  • Ethnography: Extended observation and interviews of a group of people/users for gathering data for a variety of purposes and answers to questions, and to generate further questions and insights.

  • Card Sorting: Closed and open card sorting with organization members not versed in the product or a design background to generate user mental models for information architecture.

  • Prototype Work: Concept testing ranging from single screen paper prototypes to medium fidelity wireframes.

  • Survey Design and Administration: Ran multiple surveys per month with datasets covering thousands of users. Created surveys optimized for unbiased customer feedback based on question type (multiple choice, ranking, etc.) and survey length (total number of questions, and questions per page).

  • UI Design (functional): Design and iteration of low and medium fidelity UI concepts based on product needs and research insights. Please note that my experience is rooted in core functionality/layout vs. aesthetics/colors.

  • SQL: Intermediate knowledge of SQL used to query and retrieve user cohorts from company customer databases, used for surveying and recruitment for usability tests, user interviews, and beta tests.